a 32 characters comedy for 10 actors
In 2003 Hercules, rapresented Albania in the Annual International Theatre Festival Butrinti 2000, 3rd edition, in Butrint, Albania.
Synopsis: inspired by the legend of Hercules, the half-god and half-man who was a heroe for everyone on the earth but for his family. Based on a voice over storyteller, a thief that wanders around the story and a funny chorus, this tale comes in its comic way through the palace of Hercules where the desperate Dejanira , second wife of Hercules, waiting for him starts talking with here nanny and her servants about Hercules. They start remembering about the first marriage of Hercules with Megara. A marriage that got him traumatized and made him think that he should fulfill some duties as told by gods. We see everything of his travels and funny stories, where the Wilg hog of Erimantes that keeps destroying the goods of people, in reality is just a greedy tremendous fat man. Or like the seven heads monster of Hydra is just a very wild always shouting woman that doesn’t stop tortouring her pour husband. In a few words every story of Hercules is a realistic social and political nowdays problem.
At the end Dejanira decides to give his the tunic with the centaur’s blood pretending to make him return and never part away again. He dies burned by that bloody tunic in the most funniest way.
The heroe dies and all people left without a leader decide to choosea new one. And they choose…
… the ordinary thief of the palace. At least he’ll be always around home!
written & directed by
Genti Bejko
scene & costumes
Alba Prifti
stage combat
Ervin Bejleri
cast of actors
Hercules – Lorenc Kaja
Dejanira – Medi Gurra
7Heads Monster, Virtue Godness, Servante, Polish Actress – Andia Xhunga*
Megara, Vice Godness, Nunny – Ervina Kotolloshi*
Wild Hog, Marathon runner, Servante – Miola Sitaj*
Story Teller, Licus, Servant – Genc Gjineci*
Jon twin 1, Moster’s Husband, Servant – Erion Hinaj*
The Thief, Monster Dub, Singer – Ermal Mamaqi*
Centaurus Head, Jolus – Florian Kokona*
Jon twin 2, Centaurus Butt – Ledio Topalli*
*Chorus – all the actors accept the main characters.
Copyright © Genti Bejko, 1999
CAUTION: Professionals and amateurs are hereby warned that HERCULES is subject to a royalty. The play is fully protected under the copyright laws of the Republic of Albania, and of all the countries covered by the International Copyright Union, and of the Copyright Convention and the Universal Copyright Convention. All rights, including professional and amateur stage performing, motion picture, recitation, lecturing, public reading, radio broadcasting, television, video or sound taping, all other forms of technical or electronic reproduction, suc as information storage and retrieval systems and photocopying, and the rights of translation into foreign languages, are strictly reserved.
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